Sunday, December 7, 2008


"My body is vehicle which carries my brain around, and it deserves a cushy ride"

-Heard on Third Rock from the Sun

The brain is like a wrist watch, ticking away quietly while you do not notice it. Brain is like a Swiss knife which you put to different uses. Brain is like a mobile which keep updating, the ones which fail to do so are switched off.

Brain can never put a foot wrong. You take up a tough job, prompted on by the brain "go on tiger, you can do it". And you take the plunge. Sometimes to succeed but occasionally to fail. Why do you fail? It is always because of physical fatigue, external disturbances, and lack of resources.

You never blame the brain. At least not if you belong to the infinitesimal small number who have ideas which could make the world rotate a little bit faster. For them the brain is their girlfriend. She could do no wrong. She is perfect. They totally trust her and strive to meet her needs. In attempt they push themselves up, seeking newer challenges and achieving greater heights. The others, who fall for an arranged marriage, do fine. But that is just about it.

So , do you have a girlfriend?